I'M RICK JAMES, B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by on Saturday, July 7, 2012

I was driving around in the Honda CRV the other day listening to NPR (I'm a snob), and they were playing a world summer music preview. Most of it was weird music from India and South America, but they played something that caught my attention, a little band called the Mynah Birds, not to be confused with the Saddle Creek band the Mynabirds. These Mynah Birds formed in 1964. These Mynah Birds put out a record with Motown. These Mynabirds had Rick James (yes, that Rick James) on lead vocals and Neil Young playing guitar. 
I was floored. Who knew the same guy who sings 'Super Freak' was in a band with one of the greatest singer songwriter, rock n rollers of all time? The two songs were released on a 7" on record store day just a few months ago. The first song reminds me of early Rolling Stones. You can stream it from Spotify below. Enjoy.

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