adam & binki (an album review by xtina)

Posted by on Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I first found out about Adam Green through the Moldy Peaches from the movie Juno (duh). It is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I sure did love that song that cute li'l Michael Cera and Ellen Page sang. I love the way Adam Green's and Kimya Dawson's voices complement each other, and the lyrics are lighthearted and fun. I also got really into Adam Green's album Friends of Mine around the same time, but I haven't really listened to him since then. Until...

He put out an album with Binki Shapiro of Little Joy at the beginning of the year, and I love it. I thought his voice went perfectly with Kimya Dawson because both voices are wonderfully imperfect. As it turns out, Binki Shapiro's voice complements AG's just as well or better. Her voice isn't exactly ugly or imperfect, but she isn't Diana Ross or someone like that. She has a sweet voice, but it isn't saccharine. They remind me of a looser She and Him maybe. I don't know if I have a favorite song off of the record; they are all so good. The lyrics are much more serious than those of the  Moldy Peaches, but the playfulness comes in a little more with the vocals. They have fun switching off vocals, and they do it really well. I think maybe they know how they sound together, and they just want to please us all as much as they can. Probably. 

The first song, "Here I Am," starts the album off on a soft, sweet note, and it kind of stays that way throughout. It doesn't get boring, though. I sometimes have a hard time with quiet or slower music because I start to get a little bored, but this is not a boring album. I really can't pinpoint one song that I love more than all the rest, so just give it all a listen. You will enjoy it.


  1. such a good album! It's been one of my favorites this year so far. I got to see them live back in liiike... February? I think I posted about it too. Love Adam Green. His solo stuff is really great too.

  2. I am taking your suggestion. I will listen to this album, I like how you described them so I will give them a shot.


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