I have decided that since my favorite medium for listening to music is on vinyl record that I will periodically spotlight a record I have added to my collection.
Today I will spotlight a record that was given to me by my girlfriend Taylor for Christmas. Menomena's Friend And Foe. First of all I can't do this record justice on this blog because the artwork and packaging are what makes it special. It has a spinning wheal in the front cover that changes the song title and art. It is so cool! The music on this album is great too. A very unique mix of indie pop, experimental and straight forward rock music, with baritone sax! Check it out!
Favorite Tracks: "Wet and Rusting", "Muscle'n Flo", "Air Aid", "Rotten Hell"
Posted by Ryan
Ryan's Latest Record Purchase
Posted by
on Monday, January 21, 2013
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