I have a few things for you guys today. Three things to be exact. And they're all about some of my very favorite musicians. Which is why I'm sharing.
First, it's Elvis's birthday today. He would have been 78! So, in honor of him, here's a song.
Next on the list, it's the 45th anniversary of "Sitting On the Dock of the Bay" by Otis Redding. It's not my favorite Otis song but it's still a good one and I love him.
And now, the best for last. After ten years, David Bowie is releasing a new album this year on March 12th. The album will be titled The Next Day and you can read a little more about it here. I'm excited about this. If any of you actually know me, you'll know that I love love love LOVE David Bowie.
Today is a good day.